الأربعاء، 20 أكتوبر 2010

Disconnect To Connect

How Long Do You Spend Online In A Day?

In other words how much time do you spend away from
your family, friends and who love you?!
- In real life -

So let’s ” Disconnect to Connect”.

P.S. : usually I spend more than 8 hours a day on the internet.


Max يقول...

Unfortunately, I do spend more than
8 - 10 hours a day on the internet
I barely see my family
I get connected to my friends via the web
But I guess it's not that efficient and Intimating,
it's more like cold words on solid pages
Most of my time now is for studying
but it's not a convenient excuse
anyways I'll try
bye the way the video is so heart-touching
thank you

Heba يقول...

كتير حلو الفيديو
وبصراحة رائع لانه بذكرك بالخطأ غير المقصود الي بتعمله
يمكن معهم حق لما يلومونا الي بحبونا
لانه بعدنا عنهم بسبب لجوئنا لهادا المكان

شكرا لول ..

غير معرف يقول...

P.S. : usually I spend more than 3-4 hours a day on the internet.

0ver N!ce  
.. thanx CoLoRs

Noor يقول...

very nice video Alwan~
i spent a bout 8 hour :(

غير معرف يقول...

me to i spent from 4-6 hours =14400 s


nice topic


ألـوانْ ، يقول...

Well ..it seems that most of us are addicted to the Internet :p
Honestly, the Internet has a positive impact on my personality.
All we need is a balance
Welcome to you all ^^

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